Consistency + Time = Progress
Written by Christy Nix
We’ve probably all heard it, but it’s worth repeating - CONSISTENCY is the key to making progress. Putting in even a tiny amount of effort on a CONSISTENT basis over time will reap results. Ok, sure. We know that, and we probably agree with that. I’m going to come at you with some tough love here, but it IS love. Because we want so much for you to achieve your goals both inside and outside the gym - PR your back squat, get your first pull-up, run a 5k, hike up a mountain, play tag with your kids, go snorkeling, pass the physical exam in order to get your dream job, etc. All of those things require some element of physical fitness, and we achieve fitness though consistent training.
But let’s chat about some things that consistency ARE NOT, and I’d challenge you to do a little self-assessment to see if you’ve fallen for any of these traps.
Consistency is not a 30 day challenge.
Look, there’s nothing wrong with a 21 day challenge, or a 30 day challenge or a 75 day challenge. I’ve done them. I’ve enjoyed them. But doing a task or a handful of tasks for 30 days is not going to get you sustainable results. If you can consistently maintain those habits that you did for those 30 days beyond the challenge that’s where the reward really sees the light of day. A challenge can be a great way to use a structured format to try a new habit. It can be a way to launch a habit with some accountability and motivation. We shouldn’t hate on challenges, but we also shouldn’t scrap a good habit because it didn’t yield perfect results in 30 days. Consistently practicing good habits over months, years, and a lifetime is where the real magic happens.
Consistency is not looking for what’s greener aka program hopping
Results take time. Good things take time. Gains, muscle-building, new skills, fat loss…take time. Whatever your goal is - for the purpose of this argument, let’s use strength building, you’re not going to see results unless you show up and do the work CONSISTENTLY and trust the process. If you use some specific program/coach/gym/plan to achieve that goal, you have to give it time and consistent effort in order to see results. So often, I see people talk about a goal, purchase some kind of plan or program to achieve that goal and then try a couple of the workouts and decide the program doesn’t work for them and start searching for something else. If the program calls for 3 training sessions a week for an 8 week cycle, and you show up 1-2 times a week and give up after 3 weeks…you can’t say the program didn’t work. Be consistent and trust the process.
Consistency is not following every new trend and influencer
I know it can feel confusing out there in the health and fitness realm of the interwebs. There are a lot of voices saying alot of things and some of them even sound really legit. Some of them might even be really legit. But you know what works better than keto or intermittent fasting or HIIT or Hyrox or whatever the cool new trend is? Good old fashion consistency. The fitness influencers don’t talk about that cuz it’s not going to get them the clicks and views, but the fact of the matter is IT WORKS. Resist getting pulled in every direction. Find a routine that you can do consistently and then DO IT. The internet will tell you that you’re special for X reason so you need this X product or program in order to achieve your goals. So just enter your credit card information here, and you’ll get the results you’ve been dreaming about. DON’T FALL FOR IT! (Can you tell I’m fired up? Cuz I’m fired up.) Just move your body somehow on a regular (i.e. consistent) basis. Don’t over complicate it. Because if you’re chasing the next “perfect” fitness strategy, trying it for a bit and then giving up, what’s likely happening is your not working out most the time. The best workout program for you is the one you’ll do consistently and enjoy. For me, I love CrossFit because it’s different ever day; I’m constantly challenged; I get the accountability and comaradrie of everyone else in class, and I know I’m working all the necessary areas of fitness that will help me stay fit and active as I age. I will show up to the gym regardless of whether I feel like it or not, even if I’m sore, even if I have a niggle, because I know that any movement is good movement. And I ALWAYS leave feeling great because I got to hang out with awesome people for an hour, and I moved my body.
Consistency is not a life over-haul
New Years Resolutions are a great example of this, but it happens year round - the over haul strategy. People decide they are going to overhaul everything and totally change all their habits in order to achieve their goals and some idealized self. This almost never works, and you’re probably not the exception. What does work? Start to build small habits, make them as easy as possible, and do them consistently. When that small habit feels easy, when you can do it without even thinking about it, build on it. If you haven’t read Atomic Habits by James Clear, this is where I’m going to highly recommend you do. It’s excellent.
In Conclusion
Here’s the deal. With fitness and nutrition, we’re in it for the long haul (hopefully). Having really awesome habits for 21 days and then falling back to old ways that don’t serve your goals is not going to result in lifelong wellness and fitness. Jumping from one trend to another or one program to another is not going to help you achieve your goals. Here it is: show up to class 3-5 days a week. Eat nutritious meals most the time. AND. DO. THIS. CONSISTENTLY. Don’t over analyze it. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. It’s not complicated. It’s simple. Sure, it’s not always easy. It’s not sexy. It’s not always exciting. You might not always feel motivated. DO IT ANYWAY. Don’t rely on motivation. Don’t waiver. Because the goal that we have and want for you is a long, healthy life full of being ABLE to do all the things you want to do. And in order to do those things for the next 10, 20, 50 years, you need to build a foundation of fitness, strength, and health. Think about what you want your life to look like when you’re 70, 80, 90 years old. I’d wager you’re not picturing yourself sitting in a nursing home, right? That picture you have in your head of your life as you age…it starts today. It happens with CONSISTENTLY showing up for yourself. You ARE worth it. You CAN do it. And you WILL thank yourself for it in the future.