

CrossFit Class Schedule:


  • 5:30am CrossFit Class

  • 6:30am CrossFit Class

  • 4:30pm CrossFit Class

  • 5:30pm CrossFit Class


  • 8:00am CrossFit Class

  • 9:00am - 12:00pm Open Gym

What’s in a CrossFit Class?

Our classes are 60 minutes in length and led by a coach the entire way.

  • Gather at the whiteboard with your comrades for the briefing.

  • Coach will lead the class through the warm-up

  • Now, this is where it varies one day to the next

    • Could be a strength component, skill to practice, gymnastics strength, plyometric work, etc.

    • Don’t let that concern you, the coach will have a suitable option, regardless, for everyone!

  • The workout! Some days the workout might be 4:00 long, some days it might be 40:00. It’s the 4:00 ones you want to watch out for. :)

  • A cool down.

    • This might include a nice cool down walk with your comrades discussing how awesome we all are, or some guided stretching and mobility, or both!

  • Scores, the coach will ask for results to put on our whiteboard while the class cleans and puts away equipment.

How do I get in on this?

That’s the easy part!


Open Gym Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9am - 4:30pm

Saturday, 8:00am-12:00pm

NO open gym on Tuesdays.

Open gym offered during all gym hours for our Unlimited Members!