CrossFit Class Schedule:
5:30am CrossFit Class
6:30am CrossFit Class
4:30pm CrossFit Class
5:30pm CrossFit Class
8:00am CrossFit Class
9:00am - 12:00pm Open Gym
What’s in a CrossFit Class?
Our classes are 60 minutes in length and led by a coach the entire way.
Gather at the whiteboard with your comrades for the briefing.
Coach will lead the class through the warm-up
Now, this is where it varies one day to the next
Could be a strength component, skill to practice, gymnastics strength, plyometric work, etc.
Don’t let that concern you, the coach will have a suitable option, regardless, for everyone!
The workout! Some days the workout might be 4:00 long, some days it might be 40:00. It’s the 4:00 ones you want to watch out for. :)
A cool down.
This might include a nice cool down walk with your comrades discussing how awesome we all are, or some guided stretching and mobility, or both!
Scores, the coach will ask for results to put on our whiteboard while the class cleans and puts away equipment.
How do I get in on this?
That’s the easy part!
Open Gym Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9am - 4:30pm
Saturday, 8:00am-12:00pm
NO open gym on Tuesdays.
Open gym offered during all gym hours for our Unlimited Members!